Facts & Figures 25 ton @ 10m. 12 ton @ 22m. Min. flight 6m. 3 Boom sections (2X telescopic) Remote controlled (wireless radiographic) Manual emergency control valves mounted on crane body

Facts & Figures 8 ton @ 15m. 6 ton @ 25m. Min. flight 4m. 2 Boom sections (1X telescopic) Remote controlled (wireless radiographic) Manual emergency control valves mounted on crane body

Facts & Figures 25 ton @ 10m. 12 ton @ 22m. Min. flight 6m. 3 Boom sections (2X telescopic) Remote controlled (wireless radiographic) Manual emergency control valves mounted on crane body

Facts & Figures 25 ton @ 10m. 12 ton @ 22m. Min. flight 6m. 3 Boom sections (2X telescopic) Remote controlled (wireless radiographic) Manual emergency control valves mounted on crane body

PLM marine cranes are innovative cranes for all offshore industries. PLM cranes is offering reliable and robust designs for marine applications. Innovative and rigid constructions provide a machine that is up for every task.
PLM Marine cranes are custom built to the needs and wishes of any customer worldwide.
PLM Marine Cranes range:
1 to 25 tons lifting capacity
Range 4 - 25m
Other lifting capacities and ranges on request
PLM Marine Cranes options:
Telescopic or fixed boom
Remote controlled
Additional manual emergency controls
Stand alone (HPU on crane body)
Remote HPU
Worklights and/or camera mounted on boom
Other needs or wishes on request
PLM Cranes B.V.
Sluisweg 25
4794 SW Heijningen
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 167 - 52 85 10